Virtual Scan

A Virtual scan is a “frozen” electronic copy of a document. It is referred to as “frozen” because it cannot be modified. Therefore, a virtual scan is a copy of a document that cannot be edited. Such copies are normally used to store formally approved documents electronically to protect them from tampering after they are signed.

A virtual scan is usually a graphics file saved in one of the common formats (JPEG, TIFF, etc.) or as a PDF document without a text layer. Conventionally, such documents are created by printing followed by scanning into the desired format.

Using virtual printer conversion software, such as the Universal Document Converter, is a more efficient way. This approach helps reduce both the time and the cost required to create a virtual scan.

See also: Virtual Printer, PDF Server, PDF SDK.

  • Arthur Rabatscher

    Arthur Rabatscher

    AR-Soft Widnau GmbH, Switzerland

    «On a Delphi-Developer-Homepage we found an example how to convert Word- or Excel Documents into PDF. Within this source code the use of the OCX of the Universal Document Converter was shown. This was the easiest way, how we could convert all kinds of documents into the PDF Format.»