The SDK portion of the term PDF SDK is an acronym and stands for Software Development Kit. It refers to a set of tools which may be utilized for software development to use the functionality of another software, an operating system, hardware, etc. Therefore, PDF SDK is a development toolkit which helps easily implement PDF document creation in third-party software.

Normally, PDF SDK uses the COM-interface providing control of the software kernel to create PDF documents directly out of an application. This is done with the help of a series of methods that are called out of different programming environments.

Universal Document Converter is one of the PDF printer drivers offering, a PDF SDK.

See also: Document Storage, Electronic Document (Workflow) Management, Fax Printer.

  • Thomas Vass

    Owner of The Private Capital Market Crowd Funding Website

    «I have used Universal Document Converter since the very first versions as my sole tool for making document conversions. It works flawlessly and is very user-friendly. I recommend the product for all business applications.»