News and Articles

How Universal Document Converter Advances Scientific Progress

It is very difficult to invent something new. To launch your solution into production is even more complicated. Yet an even harder task is to stand up for your author’s rights. We at fCoder know how to defend the rights of an inventor, while not slowing down the rate of scientific and technical progress.

Universal Document Converter Benefits for Printshop’s Customers

Converting documents and presentations into the TIFF format allows you to realize your talent and create professional printing materials yourself. Now you can be sure that there are no more documents that are “too graphically complicated” and master copies, which you cannot print by means of professional printing service companies.

How Universal Document Converter Protects Freelancers’ Work

Universal Document Converter from fCoder Group, Inc. allows freelancers to protect their work from unsanctioned copying.

Universal Document Converter Benefits for Archiving System

Constructing a system to archive documents is very simple. Configure Universal Document Converter as an “Entrance Gate” for the submission of documents to the archive and sit back and enjoy the reigning harmony!

Universal Document Converter 4.1 – Now is Compatible with Vista

fCoder Group, Inc. introduced its Universal Document Converter 4.1 – a virtual printer – which now includes support for output image files larger than 2 gigabytes and is compatible with Windows Vista!

Universal Document Converter 4.0 – Export to PDF is Added

fCoder Group, Inc. is delighted to introduce its Universal Document Converter 4.0 – a virtual printer, which now includes the export to raster PDF feature and the silent installation function!

Universal Document Converter 3.2 – Remote Usage is Added

fCoder Group, Inc. introduces Universal Document Converter 3.2 – a virtual printer, which now includes Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Terminal Services and Microsoft Windows XP Remote Desktop support!

Universal Document Converter 3.1 – Now with Network Printing

fCoder Group, Inc. introduces Universal Document Converter 3.1 – a virtual printer which now includes network printing support!

Universal Document Converter 3.0 – New User Interface Concept

fCoder Group, Inc. introduces Universal Document Converter 3.0, a virtual print that converts to graphics any document you can print.

Universal Document Converter 2.7 – Profiles List is Increased

fCoder Group, Inc. introduces Universal Document Converter 2.7, a virtual printer that provides you ability to convert to TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PCX or DCX image format any document you can print.

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  • Arthur Rabatscher

    Arthur Rabatscher

    AR-Soft Widnau GmbH, Switzerland

    «On a Delphi-Developer-Homepage we found an example how to convert Word- or Excel Documents into PDF. Within this source code the use of the OCX of the Universal Document Converter was shown. This was the easiest way, how we could convert all kinds of documents into the PDF Format.»