Attach an Image File to Outlook Message
Universal Document Converter is the software based on virtual printing. It can save any document you print as a raster PDF or as an image file. You can use a post-print feature of Universal Document Converter to apply additional processing to every output file. The example below is just one of many post-print processing solutions.
// Microsoft Office Outlook 2000 or above should be installed
// 1) Open your project in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
// 2) Press "Ctrl+W" in Visual C++ to open ClassWizard
// 3) In ClassWizard window press "Add Class->From a type library"
// button and select "MSOUTL.OLB" file.
// 5) Save files "msoutl.h" and "msoutl.cpp" and add into
// your "stdafx.h" file this include: #include "msoutl.h"
// 6) You must initialize the COM before you call any COM method.
// Please call "::CoInitialize(0);" before using COM and
// ::CoUninitialize(); after using COM.
#include "msoutl.h"
#include <comdef.h>
enum OlAttachmentType
olByValue = 1,
olByReference = 4,
olEmbeddedItem = 5,
olOLE = 6
enum OlDefaultFolder
olFolderDeletedItems = 3,
olFolderOutbox = 4,
olFolderSentMail = 5,
olFolderInbox = 6,
olFolderCalendar = 9,
olFolderContacts = 10,
olFolderJournal = 11,
olFolderNotes = 12,
olFolderTasks = 13,
olFolderDrafts = 16
enum OlItemType
olMailItem = 0,
olAppointmentItem = 1,
olContactItem = 2,
olTaskItem = 3,
olJournalItem = 4,
olNoteItem = 5,
olPostItem = 6
void CreateMsg(char* subj, char* body, char* email, char* filePath)
_Application* app = new _Application;
app->CreateDispatch( "Outlook.Application" );
_MailItem msg = app->CreateItem( olMailItem );
msg.SetTo( email );
msg.SetSubject( subj );
Attachments atts = msg.GetAttachments();
CString sFileName = filePath;
sFileName = sFileName.Mid( sFileName.ReverseFind('\\') + 1 );
atts.Add( _variant_t(filePath), _variant_t( (long)olByValue ),\
_variant_t("1"), _variant_t(sFileName) );
msg.SetBody( body );
// Show message modal and wait when user send or close it
msg.Display( _variant_t( (bool)1 ) );
// Show Outlook for message sending
_NameSpace ns = app->GetNamespace("MAPI");
MAPIFolder folder = ns.GetDefaultFolder( olFolderInbox );