Automatic Deployment

Automating Universal Document Converter installation helps deploy this product quickly on all PCs within an office. The installation can be performed via the command line using the parameters described below:

UDC command line installation

Command syntax for a demo install:

"C:\udc_60_demo.exe" [parameters]
"C:\udc_60_demo.exe" /SILENT /LANG=en /PROFILE="c:\default.xml" /SETDEFAULT=yes

Command syntax for a registered version install:

"C:\udc_60_reg.exe" [parameters]
"C:\udc_60_reg.exe" /SILENT /LANG=en /SN=AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEEE /PROFILE="c:\default.xml" /SETDEFAULT=no /AA=yes

[parameters] is a string listing the parameters for a background installation. All parameters are optional. In the event that a command line parameter is not present, its default value is going to be utilized during the program installation or de-installation.

  • Matthew Vance


    «Problem solved as quick as it took to convert this PDF. I definitely want to keep a copy of Universal Document Converter around for the times when nothing else works. In fact, try it first and save yourself the migraine!»