Output Format

How to Convert Word DOC to PDF

Most of the documents nowadays are saved in the Microsoft Word DOC format. The first release of the Microsoft Word took place back in 1983, and the program has remained popular since then. The Word document by itself has undergone numerous changes. The way the Word document looks like now with the file extension .docx […]

Save Visio as PDF

Microsoft Visio is one of the most popular software packages for creating diagrams, charts and drawings. However, Visio saves files in a proprietary format that can be opened by very few computers provided that the Visio program is installed. This is one of the reasons why the files saved in the Visio format should be […]

Convert AutoCAD DWG to PDF

In this article, we overview the process of converting AutoCAD format to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, DCX, PCX, TXT – with different application tools. Sometimes users need to send several AutoCAD designs to another person in an unaltered format, but AutoCAD does not allow many DWG, DXF to be converted to PDF at a […]

Convert PowerPoint PPT to JPEG

By converting your PowerPoint presentation files to the JPEG format you make them compatible with any computer or a smartphone. PowerPoint files converted to JPEG can become effective for the website design. On this page: How to convert PowerPoint to JPEG? Combine several PowerPoint slides into a single JPEG Crop empty margins of each slide […]

How to Convert PowerPoint to PDF

By converting PowerPoint presentations to the PDF format you will ensure the recipient to be able to open the presentation on practically any computer or an electronic device. This type of conversion will also protect the graphic elements and text that the slides contain from unauthorized copy & paste. On this page: How to save […]

Convert Word to JPEG

Universal Document Converter can convert your Microsoft Word files to sets of optimized JPEG images or other image types. Converting Word to JPEG will save document pages as pictures, which cannot be edited but can be opened and read on almost any device.  This simple converter offers many customizable settings and high image quality. It […]

How to Save Excel as PDF

Microsoft Excel is used for working with electronic sheets. Apart from comprising all the data into charts, the program enables the user to perform mathematical functions making corresponding diagrams. Besides, Microsoft Excel makes it possible to upload data from outside resources and data bases. The structure of the document received as a result becomes pretty […]

Save Word as PDF

If a certain Word document received by email is not displayed correctly or cannot be opened at all, this may happen for many reasons: there is no required software installed on a tablet, or the preferred font is not there on the computer, etc. Saving this document as a bitmapped PDF file will be a […]

Convert PDF to TIFF

Companies that use e-faxing may need to convert PDF files to the TIFF format. Universal Document Converter will automate PDF to TIFF conversion that can be applied on any variations of the PDF and TIFF formats. On this page: How to convert PDF to TIFF? Avoiding the corrupted fonts issue using “Print as image” Convert […]

Convert PDF to JPG

Today, PDF is the most popular solution for storing and exchanging electronic documents. The need to convert PDF files to JPEGs arises when there is a necessity to publish the documents in the Internet, to use them for presentations or videos, or to send them to CRM or EPR systems. On this page: How to […]

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  • Mitsuharu Shibata


    «I am very good at commanding PC, but other company employees can use a PC a little. I can set rules to the files on server like adding the date, and the name and so on. Everyone can convert documents with the same format following my rule.»