UDC gives us more freedom in a way that we can provide our customers documents in the form they can easily reuse
School Solutions Limited provides software solutions to primary schools to enable the teaching staff to reduce their paperwork and spend more time teaching.
Glenn Espie from School Solutions Ltd. said:
As a software developer, fCoder’s Universal Document Converter has brought many benefits to my working environment a couple of which I will describe here. It’s important to demonstrate to prospective customers the actual output generated in real time. In the past, in order to have the same impact we needed to carry printers with us. Universal Document Converter gives us more freedom in a way that we can provide our customers documents in the form they can easily reuse. Working in a small company I often have to produce online help and documentation for the projects I work on. Universal Document Converter allows printing output files of any origin and including them into printed documentation or HTML files. Previously, when I converted the files to PDF or JPEG, the quality of the produced files was much worse than the one offered by Universal Document Converter. Well done, fCoder! Thank you for an excellent product!