Universal Document Converter Benefits for Printshop’s Customers

Converting documents and presentations into the TIFF format allows you to realize your talent and create professional printing materials yourself. Now you can be sure that there are no more documents that are “too graphically complicated” and master copies, which you cannot print by means of professional printing service companies. These days, in order to successfully run a business, it is no longer enough to simply have great ideas or a good product. It is important to stand out from the multitude of other competing firms as well as to effectively present yourself and your creation to potential clients. To this end there exist many means, such as the creation of printed commercial products and putting together the necessary technical documentation. Large companies are able to outsource the preparation of a full information packet to advertising agencies. Small and medium sized companies, on the other hand, are forced to muster up their courage and create the necessary materials themselves, using as a model the creative ideas employed by graphic designers for the initial design of the company style and logotype. There is a dilemma, however. On the one hand, the firm can always find people amongst its staff who are capable of designing business and information materials on the basis of existing designer solutions. That, however, turns out to be only half the battle, since in presenting the completed draft to the typographer, there is the risk of encountering unexpected difficulties due to the workstations at the printshop not having the same fonts installed which were developed by the design studio for the client and are now used in the creation of the original draft. Such a problem is often met in printing rare and proprietary documents such as AutoCAD blueprints and electronic schemes in P-CAD. Of course, all these difficulties are not insurmountable, but their elimination requires more time and the client is forced to pay extra for the realization of nonstandard solutions. Fortunately, there is a more universal understanding of the unified form of the data presented in electronic documents, which is well known to professional graphic designers. The role of a universal language is fulfilled by the TIFF format, which is standardized by the ISO committee for the exchange of electronic documents and images. One nice feature of TIFF is the ability to view files in this format on any computer, since included with every modern operating are special viewers capable of displaying it. In addition, TIFF is a bit-mapped format which means that it preserves documents in a «frozen form». This enables documents to not only be printed in an unchangeable form, but also to protect them from the addition of accidental changes. How do you convert your materials to TIFF? It turns out that such a complicated task has a very elegant solution – the program Universal Document Converter from fCoder Group, Inc. One special aspect of Universal Document Converter is that after installation, it appears in the list of printers. In order to export your documents or drafts of presentation materials into the needed format, all you need to do is simply «print» them on the virtual printing device. The received copy will always conform to the original, and viewing the resulting output is possible on any computer without the installation of any additional software. Universal Document Converter is so simple, that even a person with only a basic and superficial knowledge of computer skills can use it with ease. The ease of use and excellent productivity makes this development of fCoder Group, Inc. more and more popular and demanded by professionals from many countries.
  • Thomas Vass

    Owner of The Private Capital Market Crowd Funding Website

    «I have used Universal Document Converter since the very first versions as my sole tool for making document conversions. It works flawlessly and is very user-friendly. I recommend the product for all business applications.»