fCoder 2Printer 7.1 – Command Line Batch Print Tool Gets a New Update
2Printer is a command line utility that lets you easily set up batch document printing of documents and images on a PC or a server. The new version now has more features for effective batch printing of PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, DWG and DXF drawings, and other capabilities.

Batch print multiple files from a folder, list, or multiple sources
2Printer has no graphic interface, but it works from any command line interpreter, such as Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell. It can print from a specified source (a folder or a list of files), and multiple sources can also be used. Using 2Printer’s wide range of settings and flexible syntax, you can bulk print office documents, CAD drawings, labels, emails, images, and other filetypes.
Did you know?
You can extend the capabilities of Universal Document Converter by using it together with 2Printer. This way, you can convert files in bulk from the command line. Use 2Printer with Universal Document Converter or other virtual printers, just like a “normal” printer. To do it, input the desired printer’s name in the command line, for example:
2Printer.exe -src “C:\In\*.*” -prn “Universal Document Converter”
Version 7.1 highlights
- Better printing of PDF, Excel, CAD drawings
- New scaling mode: zoom level
- Ability to rotate files before printing
- Printing headings of Excel spreadsheets
- Printing comments in Excel files
- Printing TXT files in “direct” mode